Ukraine and Russia Marriage Scams Increasing Despite War

Ukraine online marriage scams

Long-distance and internet relationships are always challenging, but when the Russians are involved, extra caution is required. Most people realize that online dating can be simple and enjoyable, when things go right. You get to know people you never expected to meet, either because they live far away or because they are not the type of people with whom you normally mingle. Although meeting someone from a different culture can be exciting and provide a new perspective on life, it can also be a major risk for scams.

Online marriage scams have also been increasing since the Russia-Ukraine war began early this year. Conflict situations are usually a trigger for scam, as they create not only a perfect excuse for scammers to request money from their victims, but also generates more necessity in the population: unemployment increases, cost-of-life increases, etc.

In fact, a recurring question among our clients at Russia PI has been if we can still conduct dating background checks in Russia and Ukraine during this crisis, because they have recently met someone who claims to be needing their help. The answer is we can, and we have been continuously conducting background check investigations at an increasing rate since the war has accelerated the marriage scam industry.

Because of the significant disparities between women from Ukraine and developed countries, romance and marriage scams are common there. The war has accentuated economic and social differences, and this motivates more people to join the very long Russian and Ukrainian romance scammer lists. Income and human development opportunities in these countries are not the same as in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, or Australia. Unfortunately, many Russians and Ukrainians see foreigners as a chance for a better life, and love is usually not a part of that fantasy.

If you met someone you’re serious about, ask yourself the following:

Is your romance moving along quickly? Are you being asked for money? Are you being pressured to do things you don’t feel comfortable with? Does the situation seem too good to be true?  Does your gut instinct tell you something might not be right?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may have come into contact with a marriage or online dating scammer. Hire a background check investigation from a reputable investigator as soon as possible to be safe and to get real evidence.  With clear evidence, you can make an informed decision and be safe from fraud.  If she is right for you, then the money will be well spent. If not, having evidence gives you peace of mind.

Most people are aware that the world of online dating is not without risks, but they forget what they are really dealing with when presented with horrifying distracting situations like war. Before helping anyone out, make sure you are safe! Not all Russian or Ukrainian people with online dating profiles are scammers, of course, but there is major risk in these countries at this time. If after verifying facts he or she is confirmed, then congratulations! The odds of success have just improved. Remember, we are still conducting private investigations in Russia and Ukraine, and we can help you stay safe!

C. Wright

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