If you ever thought that getting ripped off by your Russian online date or finding out that they were not who they claimed to be was a shock, prepare yourself for the new and improved scams! Internet criminals are getting more creative all the time, and finding new ways to drain your bank account is what they do best. Russian private investigators are trying to alert and educate people on the new threats online, as prevention is the only way of stopping online crime in the first place.
Data protection should be one of the main concerns in this upcoming year. According to the Institute for Human Rights and Business (IHRB), online privacy is one of the key concerns for the year ahead. Companies and authorities around the world are trying to figure out how to handle this problem, but as individuals, we should all be caring about privacy and date protection as well. Russian online criminals, including romance scammers, are hacking computers and trying to collect as much personal information they can about their victims. Some do it on a big scale, others try to collect the data through more rustic methods like online dating conversations. Either way, the purpose of online Russian scammers in the coming years will be focused on obtaining information that will be used in the future to deceive other people or to conduct fraud. Personal data is becoming the most valuable asset for an online criminal, so protecting your information is key when dealing with someone from Russia.
Security and private investigation experts trace many of the world’s cybercrime attacks to Russia, as well as other former Soviet bloc countries. The challenges with battling Russia-based criminals have long been told: Russian hackers are allowed to operate with impunity, and Russia rarely -if ever- extradites any of its citizens. Therefore, there is little victims can do when trying to recover losses or find justice. Even big companies and government agencies in the U.S. and other countries have had a rough time trying to make cyber-attackers in Russia pay for their crimes.
Professional investigators from Russia PI advice all people dealing with someone from Russia online to be cautious. Hiring a background check investigation in Russia is a simple yet effective method to prevent being a victim. When starting a romantic or business relationship, it is important to verify if the other party is someone you can trust. Otherwise, ceasing communication is the way to go.
It is also important to alert people that online crime schemes in Russia are getting every day more violent too. One of the newest schemes in Russian online scams involves death threats and blackmail, and they are highly effective in getting victims to cooperate. Online scams are reaching new levels, get prepared, educate yourself on ways to protect your privacy, and hire a professional investigator with agents in Moscow when needed. Cybercrime is not the future of crime anymore, it is the present! Contact our team if you need any help with verifying someone from Russia.
Don’t make the mistake that many victims do. Don’t think that it couldn’t happen to you, or that you can verify a person on the other side of the world yourself, simply by searching the internet. If you don’t speak Russian, have years of investigation experience, and are in Moscow, you’re going to need help. Be skeptical and protect your private information. Contact a professional for advice.
C. Wright
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