Russia Romance and Adult Webcams – How Not to Be a Victim

Russia webcam scams

Romance fraud is manipulation at its best, and Russian criminals master this subject. The internet is full of adult webcam sites, online dating apps, etc which may appear transparent at first. Users pay a fee to watch a woman or man perform through a webcam and she gets paid for the service provided. However, the business goes further beyond.

Russian private investigators have worked on hundreds of cases of men who are lured to believe the woman they communicate with in a webcam site has serious relationship intentions with them. Although there are cases of women who are honest about their intentions, many are just taking advantage of the opportunity to obtain a greater profit.

In fact, in most of these cases the webcam site is behind the scam, working with the models on a commission. After all, the Russian webcam sex industry is like most schemes of online fraud and scams, a business run by organized crime. This is a 24/7 market that is active all year-round, with the majority of clients logging in from North America and Western Europe. There is a lot of money to be made, and every chance to grow the business is used.

The exploitation of men and women is not the only problem with this industry. The other great concern is the thousands of people who fall victim to romance scams that have been orchestrated by these crime rings.  Thousands have been heartbroken, had their identities stolen, been victims of blackmail and harassment, and lost their life savings.

According to Russian private detectives there is a pattern in most cases. The webcam model claims to have fallen in love and takes the conversation to another level. Some remain in the platform claiming they can’t provide personal contact information or else they will be fired -and they need the job-. Others will take it somewhere else. Once they have created a bond with the victim, the requests for money begin. The excuses are infinite: they want to stop working as a webcam model and they need financial help to do it, they are going through hardship for a variety of reasons, they want to go to school and leave that life behind, they want to marry and make a new life, etc. Whichever the excuse is, the goal is always the same, to dupe people out of their money.  Anyone can be a victim of this deceptive fraud.

How to avoid being a victim of romance fraud in webcam sites?

It might seem simple enough as to avoid using these sites and avoid getting too close to anyone in these sites. However, there is a reality that cannot be denied. Webcam sites are a successful business because people like them and consume their content. Once you are user, you are vulnerable to fall a victim. As mentioned before, internet fraudsters master manipulation. Most victims realize this until it is too late.  In some cases, the web cam video feed you are watching is not the actual subject, but a relayed video feed, and you are speaking or chatting with an intermediary.  The purpose is to make you believe you are speaking to someone beautiful who cares about you, when in fact, the only goal is to steal your money and data.

What is the best option? Hire a professional investigator in Moscow to obtain the evidence you need, and do it as soon as possible. If you meet someone you like, verify them when you begin to have an interest for them, not when the communication has been going on for months. If they are true and honest, you can then have peace of mind. If not, you can cut ties.

It is important to keep in mind that in order to conduct a background check investigation of the subject in Russia or the Ukraine, you need at least a full name. Being in a relationship with someone who cannot give you her name is senseless. Ask as many questions as you can, and keep track of all this information, as it will be useful for the investigation.

C. Wright
© Russia PI™
Russia Private Investigators

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