The Glorification of Hackers is Putting Privacy at Risk

russia hackers

Hackers have become in the eyes of many some of the most noble professionals in the world. People often classify hackers in good and bad, being the good those who fight against corruption and use their skills to defend human rights. The real problem is, where do you draw the line when both “good” and “bad” are violating the laws? In whose eyes are the hackers’ actions doing good?

The recent declarations of President Putin stating that hackers are just being patriotic by trying to contribute to the fight against those who speak badly about Russia is dangerous. Mixing patriotism with an illegal activity sends the wrong message, that of taking justice into one’s own hands for the wellbeing of the country. Every country has made a great effort to build a legal system, to set up the rules that ensure citizens’ safety, health and prosperity. But all of this is at risk when the safety, health and protection of a nation are in the hands of anonymous individuals who are not accountable.

Russian private investigators say every day there are more and more people who turn to hackers to solve their issues. Whether it is to find out if someone is being unfaithful or to select a new hire. Hacking is becoming the cool way to do things, but it is not the right one, and it is in fact a very risky one. A private investigation is the best tool to make informed decisions, no matter if it concerns to your personal life or business, but investigations should always be carried within the legal parameters. Hacking is not legal in any country, and it is definitely not a professional way to conduct business.

But probably the worst part is that authorities have also helped in the glorification of hackers. We are all being constantly told that having our private lives monitored and surveilled is for our own good, and our guardians are these expert hackers that have access to anyone’s emails and phones. With such access, they claim they can anticipate terrorist attacks and protect us all. However, the 535 terrorist attacks that have occurred in 2017 prove them wrong.

Privacy is a right of every person in this planet and hackers are stealing that right from us, with the help of the governments or without it, with the approval of citizens or without it. It is illegal, and wrong. So no matter if hackers claim doing the wrong things for the right reasons, there are right ways to fight for good as well. It is time to stop giving more power to hackers.

Have you been a victim of someone stealing your money or information?  Have you done business with someone who later proved to be a fraud, and maybe used your data against you?  Contact us today for a free and confidential investigation quote on how to stay safe in Russia and beyond.

C. Wright
© 2017 Russia PI™
Russia Private Investigators

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