Russian Scammers Exploit Human Vulnerabilities During Pandemic

Russian covid19 scams

For scammers, there is no better time for business than a crisis. The Covid-19 pandemic and the confusion it has caused has created the perfect scenario for romance scammers in Russia. For one part, the rules and regulations change suddenly and it is hard to keep up with the changes. This alone blurs the lines of what we used to consider logical. Red flags in scams were spotted because things didn’t make sense, but now nothing makes sense at all!   In addition, most internet criminals operating out of Russia and the Ukraine are experienced and sophisticated, leaving many victims to say there never were any red flags.  Anyone can be a victim of fraud, especially during a recession.

Traveling bans fit perfectly for all those Russian romance scammers who are using fake identities to deceive their victims. If there is no way to meet in person, the online scam can continue for a longer period. Besides, the pandemic has given many an excuse to request financial help, either because they claim to be unemployed and needing money for the bills and food, or because they need to pay hospital bills due to medical treatment for Covid-19. The pandemic is global, and we all know thousands of people are being affected and many cannot afford their own hospital bills. This makes the financial assistance requests much more believable.  Be very skeptical of anyone asking for help.

Our human vulnerabilities are being exploited. “Scammers use crisis and natural disasters in their favor all the time, but now there is even more risk and people need to be more cautious than ever.  Verify first and then decide.” says Luke Abelev, VP of Private Investigations at Russia PI.

What vulnerabilities will scammers exploit?


The fear of getting sick, the fear of losing a loved one, the fear of being unemployed. When emotions like fear are bigger than us, we lose the capacity to think well. This is certainly an advantage for fraudsters. People who are scared about things going the wrong way will do anything possible to avoid it. Just imagine what a parent of a sick child would pay for a promise of a cure or a vaccine. A recently unemployed person will probably be more open to invest their life savings in a “promising investment” without verifying, even if the risk is high. Those who have been dating someone from Russia online will be genuinely worried for the health and safety of their loved one, even if she does not exist and is just a scammer trying to take advantage. The fear of losing what is most important can put people at more risk.  Don’t let your fears get the best of you.  Take time to think about the risk.


Social distancing is isolating people. Loneliness is a vulnerability that romance scammers have used for years, and they will double efforts during this crisis. Dating apps and websites are getting many new users and with more users comes more business for scammers. This is why dating background checks in Russia (and anywhere else) become so important right now. Romance scammers are heartless, they will target anyone despite their life conditions, disabilities, age, or financial status. Nothing stops a scammer better than clear evidence from a professional private investigation company, so this is why a background check investigation becomes a must in online relationships currently.

Uncertainty and Confusion

So far nobody knows exactly when the effects of the pandemic will be over, or when will economies fully recover after the recession. The uncertainty leads people to make decisions based on impulse and not on information and deep thought. But it is precisely this uncertainty and confusion that should lead us to verify even more, for the sake of safety.

In this chaos, it is more important than ever to be sure of decisions you take, and in order to do that evidence is a key factor. Private investigators in Russia can help reduce the risks and be safe. Contact us if you need a private investigator in Moscow or St. Petersburg to uncover the truth.

C. Wright
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Russia Private Investigators

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