Russian Internet Fraudsters Cashing in from Moscow

russian scammers cashing in

Romance scams have spread fast through all the world, leaving victims everywhere but mainly from highly developed countries like the United States, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom.  One of the main issues with this expansion is not only that the number of victims is increasing but also that the average losses per individual are getting amazingly higher.   Think it can’t happen to you? That is what nearly all the victims said before they realized that they were scammed.

Russian private investigators say that online fraud is getting very profitable in this country. Criminals in Russia who want to get started in the business need little resources to begin with and with some training they can make themselves invisible, or more accurately, untraceable. The combination of all these factors is letting this business consolidate in Russia as a trend.

Experts in online scam from Russia PI have seen a significant rise in internet scams, particularly romance related, that are generating in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other regions of Russia like Kazan and Yoshkar-Ola. In the last three years, mafia rings have expanded their operations throughout the country and have crossed the borders to other neighboring and former Soviet countries like the Ukraine, Romania and Moldova. Freshly trained online scammers are getting connected every day, looking to make a profit out of the hardly earned money of thousands of foreigners.

In the current situation, no one is safe from internet scams. New schemes of fraud are created every day and despite there are many alerts and tips that can be found online, it doesn’t hurt to continue educating and alerting people on the matter.   Even if you think you know all the red flags and you are skeptical, the fact is if you are connected to the internet, then you are at risk.

These are some tips to avoid being a victim of Russian internet scams:

Learn how to sport the red flags

Spotting an online dating scammer is tricky. Check for signs that may indicate that the person is not real. For instance, the use of professional pictures , getting too attached too soon, and claims of financial trouble. Russian online scammers try to pose as being very expressive and overly trusting, but don´t get carried away. Before getting involved with any foreigner that you only know online, get a dating background check. It might save you from big financial and emotional trouble.

Do not share private content

One of the online schemes used recently in Russia is blackmailing. This is a particularly delicate matter since it brings additional pressure into the whole fraud situation. How does it work? The victim meets someone online who they believe they can trust, the criminal lures the victim into sharing sexual content, either videos or photos, and then requests payment. If the victims refuses to pay, the criminal threatens to post the video or photos on the internet, or to send them to people they care about (a boss, family members, friends or people the victim knows). So, before sharing any private content with someone online, think of how you feel about this being all over the internet.

Be extremely cautious with online dating sites and social media

Online dating sites and social networks are the places where most Russian scammers find their victims. Be sure to protect your private information and be skeptical every time you meet someone online who claims to be from Russia, Romania or the Ukraine (or doing business there).

Have you met someone in Russia or from Russia on the internet?  Need to know if that person is who he or she claims to be?  Need evidence to lower your risk?  Contact us today.

C. Wright
© 2016 Russia PI™
Russia Private Investigators

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