Thousands of people around the world have a story of online romance scam. Whether they fell for the scam or were lucky enough to discover the truth before being a victim, the truth is this is a common problem in our society. You might doubt if you could ever be scammed out of your hard-earned money by a stranger. It seems unlikely to most of us, but yes, anyone can be a victim, and Russian fraudsters have this very clear. Criminals operating via the Internet are improving their methods.
Many years ago, when Russia PI was first becoming the leading Russian private investigation firm, our investigators thought that online romance scams were just a trend that would eventually decrease and end. However, as time has passed, dating fraud continues to grow and there is no end to it.
People all over the world continue to fall victim despite the fact that the police and media continuously warn of the growing criminal epidemic of romance scams and online fraud. The reason is that romance scammers are experienced criminals and they understand the game they play better than anyone else. Tactics and alias change on a weekly basis, so it is difficult to know the red flags.
What makes Russian scammers so dangerous?
Russian online criminals are especially dangerous because they take the job very seriously. As it happens in Eastern European countries like the Ukraine and Romania, these scammers rarely make a mistake. Every word in their conversations is planned so there are no inconsistencies. Every document has been carefully altered so it won’t be an obvious forgery. Every resource has already been considered. Russia has the most expert hackers in the world and in the romance scamming industry they also lead the way. There is real and serious risk in Russian relationships, especially those that begun online.
With the number of victims increasing, and the amount of losses growing exponentially, these crooks feel more confident than ever that they are doing a good job. And they are! As long as people continue to send funds to strangers in Russia, criminals will continue to be successful.
Why wait until it is too late?
With Russian relationships it is never a good idea to wait for a Russia dating background check. Prevention is the most important tool, and a good investment compared to the losses reported to authorities every year. Speak to a professional investigator in Russia and let them find clear answers for you. Hoping for the best and not verifying often results in disaster.
People who are in an online relationship with a Russian need to understand two very important things. Number one is that anyone can be a victim, so being skeptical is always a good advice. Number two is that you can hire professional help to verify the facts and avoid being a victim yourself. If people were skeptical and hired a dating background check investigation in the early stages of the relationship, many scams would be avoided. Knowledge is power, and the best way to stop criminals is to cut their profits by making wise and informed decisions.
Find professional help
Russian romance scammers are particularly dangerous. There is no internet investigation that will work to uncover a Russian fraudster. Most victims do not speak the language and neither do they have the training or access to reliable information agencies in Russia. The best option is to hire an investigation company like Russia PI, with local investigators on the ground in Moscow and St. Petersburg. A local professional investigator will have access to the information and be able to verify whether or not a passport copy has been forged, check birth, criminal, address and marriage records on a local level, verify employment and education backgrounds, etc.
Help other people too
It might not be your case, but romance scam could be a situation a friend or relative is going through. Share this article with the people you care about. You never know who you might be saving from a broken heart or an empty bank account! Don’t be a victim. Contact a reputable private investigation company with trained investigators in Moscow or St. Petersburg. We can help!
Contact us today for a free background check investigation quote.
C. Wright
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