Private investigations in Russia involve a wide range of services like employment screenings, online dating verifications, international due diligence, infidelity, asset searches and more. But probably one of the most delicate matters that investigators work with is locating missing people.
Even with the possibilities of the Internet, many people are currently trying to locate loved ones and are unable to find or reach them. The cases of people who have lost communication with someone in their past that they cared for are not unusual in Russia. Sometimes, years have passed and people just lose track of each other. Sometimes people go missing suddenly after an incident and then lose the ability to get back in touch. Missing a loved one is something nobody ever wants to experience, but it happens. For foreign families the experience can be especially rough, as Russia is a completely unknown ground to them. Whichever is the case, Russian private investigators can help.
Common cases of missing people
Investigators in Russia say the cases vary significantly. One of the most common cases is that of foreign men and women who had a romantic or friendship relationship with a Russian in the past and somehow lost communication with them. In a country as big as Russia, trying to locate someone who has changed their address or contact information requires a professional private investigator. When people hold enough information – like a full name, date of birth and an old address – these cases are usually successful. People are able to reunite even after many years have passed. It is not easy to get back in touch, but with the help of a local investigator finding evidence of where they might be and how to reach them is possible. Checking public and government records requires skills and access.
Another very common case in Russia is that of children trying to find their biological missing parents. Many Russian children were adopted by foreign families during and after the Cold War, and many of these children decide they want to find and meet their biological parents. Private detectives in Moscow and St. Petersburg can conduct a local investigation to try to locate the parents or any other family member that can provide references of their location, or verify if they are alive.
Other cases are definitely more complex. Some people get involved in drugs or crime rings hoping somehow to make money and not to face the consequences. The problem is that the consequences are extremely serious and dangerous, and the chances of finding them or reuniting decrease.
What to do if someone you love is missing?
Contact a private investigation firm on the ground in Russia as soon as possible. If you are looking to reunite with an old friend, an investigator can help you investigate any tracks within national public, government and media records and follow up on any leads to obtain their contact information.
For more complex cases of missing people, you will need local investigation and surveillance in Russia. Questions need to be cleared. Clues need to be followed while there are still traces of the disappearance. The sooner the issue is addressed by professional investigators, the greater chances there are that the story has a happy ending. Contact us if you need to locate someone!
C. Wright
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