Professional background checks overseas are not an easy task to accomplish and not every provider or private investigation company will have the capability of providing with the relevant and accurate information and evidence that you may need. But probably the best way to understand how important it is to find the right provider is to begin with why anyone would need a background check in Russia, when is a good time to search for one, and what to expect from it.
Private investigators from Russia PI conduct background check investigations for many reasons, and for many types of global clients. One of the most common is related to online dating relationships. Thousands of people every day fall victim to organized crime rings that operate on dating sites and social networks. Their goal is to target people who are searching for love online, and using the world famous reputation of Russian women, criminal will target anyone they can. Other reasons for conducting background checks include persona, employment and business relationships.
Why is it so important to have a professional take care of the task?
Russia has its own privacy and data protection policies. Regardless of the relationship that someone may have with the subject of the investigation, what is really important is to be capable of verifying the facts: birth records, criminal and court records, address, employment claims, education, passport and ID verification, reputation and fraud screening, etc. Finding all this information is not so easy when confronted with laws and procedures that are very protective of the Russian citizens’ data.
It takes a professional private investigator on the ground in Russia to uncover even the broadest pictures of all the evidence due to these regulations. Investigators at a local level will have the tools and know-how to obtain accurate data. Or course, you will need a trained professional on the ground in Moscow or St. Petersburg who speaks the language and has access to local records.
Another factor that makes things complicated is the language barrier. Sometimes for people looking for a background check investigation in Russia their first thought is checking online. Soon, people discover that the web is no place to find real or accurate information about anyone, and that trying to translate from Russian can be daunting. Make sure you hire someone with a proven track record.
When is the right time to hire a professional investigator for the task?
Ideally, investigations are conducted to prevent serious harm. Harm can be defined as betrayal, financial or emotional loss, identity theft or other consequences that can result from dealing with someone who is not who he or she claims to be. And, it can be a company also. Clients are increasingly requesting comprehensive background check investigations and due diligence to be conducted on companies in Russia and the Ukraine, due to the high risk in the region. The best time to start seeking help is as soon as you develop an interest in a person or company, or as soon as you get in touch with a potential business partner or employment candidate. Why not wait until you can decipher what your gut tells you? Because it’s risky. The right time to get professional help for a background check is when you have nothing to lose, little time and hopefully no money or feelings!
How to know who is a good provider for a professional background check in Russia?
The first providers you should cross off the list are those who only offer database and immediate results. Professional background checks need to be conducted by trained investigators who will verify every detail directly at the source. It takes time and knowledge to discreetly find out the information that you are looking for, and that information will not be in a database. Searching criminal and court records alone is not an effective way to mitigate your risk, but is included in the service.
It is also important to verify that your provider has investigators on the ground that understand the scope of the situation and can provide the information, respecting your confidentiality and the local laws and regulations. Professional investigators verify if the company or individual is legitimate and if all the information provided is accurate and true. In a typical case, investigators may check passport and birth records, criminal and court records, verify ID and document samples, verify identity, verify any employment and education history, check address, marriage records, and more.
Having a good investigation provider is having an ally! It is an insurance policy that can save you from serious trouble. Contact us for a free quote on how we can help you.
C. Wright
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