Online Dating Risk in Russia: Getting Real Evidence

russian dating scams

Most people who suspect they have been deceived by a Russian love scammer or those who have seen any red flags will start by looking for answers on the Internet. After all, the Internet is our main source of information these days and is a great starting point. But there are certain things for which the information found online is insufficient, or false! Being able to tell one from another is not an easy task, and is a main reason why real dating background checks in Russia are still so important.

Private investigators from the Russia PI team often see cases where people have spent a lot of money trying to find out if their Russian date or bride is legitimate or not. They have checked websites offering free data, but these sites are notorious for their bait and switch tactics. They also do not have any trained investigators on the ground in Russia, so you can forget about getting any real evidence.  Many have paid for access to databases that have no useful information or are a scam. And the truth is, most people are not very sure of what they should be verifying or where to start investigating a potential dating scam in Russia. That is why we are sharing some tips on getting real evidence.

Consider hiring a professional in the field

We all feel like Sherlock Holmes sometimes when we are in front of a computer. But the truth is that finding reliable information online is more complicated than it seems.  Trying to verify a person or company in a developing country, on the other side of the world from your computer?  Forget about it. Local investigators in Moscow or St. Petersburg will definitely be more helpful, not only because they know the language and they have the know-how to investigate properly and discreetly, but because they can fact check directly at the source. Trained investigators on the ground in the cities and countries where you need them, with access to government and local records, who can verify information directly at the source and put boots on the ground is an invaluable resource.

Focus on getting clear evidence

Many of the people who have sensed that something was not adding up try to verify the circumstance itself. By this we mean that particular thing that does not add up, instead of the person themselves. So for instance, the Russian lady has requested financial assistance because their house was burned down in a fire and they´ve got nothing left. Most people tend to try to investigate if there was in fact a fire on that particular day in that particular address. But checking circumstances like this can be complex and confusing, and online scammers know this!  A trained investigator in Russia can check on any evidence of a fire, but can also take a more comprehensive approach starting from the ground up, so you have evidence if this person is who he or she claims to be.  Scammers change their stories to fit their needs, so the lie can continue for a long time.   Professional investigators focus on factual information, such as education, employment, address, date of birth, passport and ID, criminal and marriage records and so on.   These comprehensive background check investigations offer real evidence.

Many times scammers send copies of their documents and ID´s to their victims, but what the victims do not know is that having a copy of a passport is not a guarantee of safety. Documents can be forged and modified easily, especially in countries with such a high risk for fraud like Russia.  Some documents are official, but have been stolen, or obtained using other false information or ID’s.

Distance is a big obstacle too to be able to track down all this information, and there is a language barrier as well. Not everyone can go into a birth registration agency or an embassy and request information about a certain person. However, a professional investigator will surely be able to find this information for you.   There is no replacement for a trained and local professional.

Getting real evidence can be complicated, but if you have the right help it is a worthy investment!  Have you met someone in Russia?  Be safe and contact us today for a free quote.

C. Wright
© 2015 Russia PI™
Russia Private Investigators

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