How to Help Family or Friends Avoid Russian Dating Scams

russian dating scam

For a long time, Russia PI investigators have been working to fight online fraud and scams in Russia. Commonly, the requests to investigate someone who is suspicious of being a fraudster come from the victims themselves, but many times the victims remain unaware of the red flags and it is their family members or friends that contact us.  The simple truth is, these days, it’s important to verify anyone you meet whether online or offline, and Russia just happens to be a high risk country.

“Being victim of a romance scam, whether it originates in Russia or anywhere else in the world, is far more costly than people imagine” says Peter Kossakovsky, Director of Background Checks.  People focus on the money loss, but there are many other consequences to romance scams.

Sometimes the financial loss is so big that people get entangled in a series of situations –debts, foreclosures, bankruptcy,  lawsuits, etc- that lead to depression. Other times, the consequences are more on an emotional level –losing confidence, feeling humiliated or heartbroken, or feeling fear for their own safety.  Sometimes the consequences will show after a long time, like those people who figure out after a few years that they were also victim to identity theft. Either way, all the situations mentioned tend to develop uneasiness and real concern in family members and friends who are being witnesses of the fraud, but at the same time are unable to take action and stop the situation.

Our Russia PI team listed a few tips on how to help someone avoid a Russian dating scam:

Do not start by telling a potential victim that they are blind for not seeing the red flags. Maybe there are red flags that the person is ignoring, but that won´t help. Among the victims of romance scams are all kinds of people (old, young, women, men, professionals, wealthy, etc). Usually the problem relies not on the victim´s inability to see the red flags, but in the fraudster’s ability to convince them they are real.  One of the aspects that should be emphasized in the discussion of why people fall victim to these types of scams is that Russian romance scams are not perpetrated by individuals in need, this is organized crime, and therefore every detail has been calculated to convince the victims.

Give some credit to the potential victim. Many of the cases of suspected romance scams end up being true love stories.  The important thing here is to verify the facts.  Not all women in Russia are scams.  Let the person know your concern and some possible alternatives to make sure they are safe. Having a third party involved might help balance the situation, since many victims feel that when the concern comes from a close family member –children, ex-spouses, etc- then there is some bias.

Talk the potential victim into a discrete background check investigation in Russia. Let them know that these investigations are confidential and will not interfere with the relationship in case it is legitimate, but they will be extremely helpful if there is fraud.  Safety should be the main concern.

Do not create a hostile atmosphere between you and the potential victim. Putting a lot of pressure or taking extreme measures will not end with the fraud –if this is the case-, and will obstruct other possibilities. After all, a thorough investigation requires the collaboration of the victim with details and information that only they know. The best way to go is to make them understand why checking is important and how you are willing to facilitate this option to them for their own good.

Being victim of fraud is terrible, but it is also very painful for family and friends.  Make sure you handle the situation carefully and always rely on professionals who can help get clear evidence.

Have you or a family member met someone from Russia?  Are you concerned about the high risk for scams and fraud?  What about someone who wants to marry for money or immigration?  Find out the facts before it’s too late.  Get a free investigation quote today for real answers!

C. Wright
© 2015 Russia PI™
Russia Private Investigators

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