Finding Russian Brides: How to Be Safe Searching for Ms. Perfect

russian bride scams

It’s no surprise many Western men dream of finding a gorgeous Russian woman with traditional values who will be grateful to start a new life in a new country. Many dream that these beautiful women will become devoted and loving wives, but the reality is that many of the cases are actually Russian bride scams.  Some victims are left facing divorce and loosing significant assets after spending thousands of dollars to bring the new bride to his country, all for a green card and cash.

Russia has been known in the past few years for being a high risk country for online romance scams. Many Russian women –and men posing as women –  have taken advantage of the fact that foreigners seem to consider them as a first choice when looking for love, and they are making a lot of money out of all those who fail to verify their online partners.  Online profiles can be deceptive, to say the least, and when dealing with Russia or the Ukraine, getting clear evidence is critical.

Private investigators in Moscow have found an increasing amount of cases where the Russian bride turns out to be a manipulating schemer whose aim was all along to get money or a visa. The business of seducing foreign men online has been so profitable, that many young women in Russia dedicate their full time to scamming several men at the same time, and even mafia rings have gotten involved. There are warnings online that even schools have been set up to teach new young Russians the how-to´s on online romance scams.  In many aspects, these crime runs as organized crime.

Many Russian women agree to participate in these fraud schemes because the economic situation outside of Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as in the Ukraine, is not the best. The easiest way out is to get married to a citizen of a Western country, or to make promises that she will and get financial help from them. The problem is such that even the U.S. Embassy in Moscow has issued an alert in their website. Private investigators in the region have many clients asking for help.

Neither online dating nor Russian women should be taken as all bad. There are also lots of Russian women online that are honestly looking for love and friendship online. Online threats are not too different from the real world threats, and being safe –like in the real world – is not avoiding dating (or going out, or having a life!).  Being safe is more about being able to recognize red flags and getting the right help to verify, at the right time.  In a high risk region such as Russia and the Ukraine, it’s important to know the risk and take advantage of services available to lower that risk.

For most part, being safe is a prevention effort more than a reaction to a threat that has already taken place. For example, performing a dating or pre-marital check in Russia is a simple yet effective way to avoid being a victim of a romance scams. Private investigators can fill in the blanks and provide a soon to be groom or bride with the information necessary to have peace of mind and make an informed decision.  Need to know if someone is who she claims to be, speak to a professional.  If you don’t speak the language and if you don’t have eyes and ears on the ground in Russia, chances are there is no possible way for you to verify the facts alone.  You’ll need professional help.

It is also important to get informed and read about the most common schemes used online.  Many reputable websites have information and warnings to prevent people from falling victim.

Have you met someone on the internet from Russia or currently traveling in Russia?  Protect yourself.  Contact us today and get a free quote to mitigate your risk.  All services are strictly confidential.

C. Wright
© 2015 Russia PI™
Russia Private Investigators

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